============================================================ Web News Reader Changelog ============================================================ * Version 1.00 [In progress, changelog as of 3 July 2010] * Graphical user interface based on PyQt in progress * Signals/slots used to prevent the GUI from freezing as time-consuming blocking network operations occur * You can only add one URL at a time * You cannot remove URLs (yet) * The database is 100% compatible with the command line version * Version 0.6 [As of 0.60-rc3] [In progress as of 2 July 2010] * Add support for checking URLs with no Last-Modified date via Adler32 checksums (A major new feature, as it allows many more URLs to be checked now) * Better error handling * Refactor code. The code that runs each time the program starts is now in a run() method * Version 0.5-beta (SVN Revision 7) [25 June 2010] * Add code to check URLs before they are added * Support multiple URL deletion in a single operation * Support multiple URL addition in a single operation * Version 0.4-alpha (SVN Revision 3) [25 June 2010] * Complete re-write based on the original idea * **Much** better display * Centralised database holds URL list as well as the "last-checked" times * **Much** more user friendly than *any* older version * Usable command line interface based on the optparse_ module * Version 0.3-alpha [24 June 2010] * Check if no last-modified date is mentioned in the HTTP Header * Better output formatting * Version 0.2-alpha [23 June 2010] * **Fix**:File modes for files used for pickling changed to binary mode * **Fix**:Program no longer **NEEDS** a blank but existent cachefile * Version 0.1-alpha [23 June 2010] * First public release * Rudimentary command line interface ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * WebNewsReader is |python_powered| * WebNewsReader was |crafted_with_jedit| * This documentation was generated using DocUtils_. The ReST sources are_here_ * This project is hosted on |sflogo| ( Project_Page_ ) .. |python_powered| image:: http://www.python.org/community/logos/python-powered-w-140x56.png :target: http://python.org :alt: Python powered .. _optparse : http://docs.python.org/library/optparse.html .. |crafted_with_jedit| image:: http://www.jedit.org/made-with-jedit-9.png :target: http://jedit.org :alt: crafted with jEdit .. _are_here : http://webnewsreader.sourceforge.net/Changelog.ReST.txt .. _DocUtils : http://docutils.sourceforge.net .. |sflogo| image:: http://sflogo.sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id=330700&type=11 :target: http://sourceforge.net :alt: Sourcefoge logo .. _Project_Page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/webnewsreader